GTI Chapter 70

Today’s hopefully the last of the plane rides that I have to take in the near future.

I stepped out of the plane with a pretty bad headache and was sleep deprived but settled down with the intent. Alright, I finally have the time to pump out a chapter. So, I was hoping for a quick and easy one but this turned out to be a long one with doubled the average chapter length.

Dear author, why can’t you split this out into two chapters then. Bought to you with lots of yawns and a nodding head.

Chapter 070

GTI Chapter 69

No schedule for this week. I don’t have anything left at all.

A lot happened within a span of days leading to many delays. I usually do the chapters on the weekend when I have time to spare to do anything else.

However, this weekend, I was helping out with a wedding, the type that lasted days and by the time I’m done, I was feeling like I wanted to lie on the bed for a week.

Also, I’m expected to work on the weekend for which, I’d sought a backup for. Unfortunately, on Tues, I was greeted by the news that my backup lacked the authorization for some parts, leaving me to patch things up. So, I’d been busy with that.

Coincidentally, I’d also been brooding and made a big financial action over the weekend. I’d been saving up almost a year of my wages on it. I’m still having buyers remorse. But for now, I’m relatively broke with almost all my savings gone.

Chapter 069

GTI Chapter 68

Regular release 4/5.

There may or may not be a chapter tomorrow because I’m back at home, there’s a lot of relatives popping in and out. And I’m having dinner and a lot of social functions over the next few days. Did I mentioned that I’m back because my friend’s getting married? There’s that too.

So, I haven’t got time to do anymore. I’ll try to sneak in some time if I can.

Chapter 068

GTI Chapter 66

Regular release 2/5.

I’d gotten off the plane and finally in the company of family whom I haven’t met for the last few months. So, my motivation is practically zilch over here.

Also, I’m back to slow internet and realized that my site truly wasn’t loading that fast. I want to do something about that once I’m back. Donate button is gone for now since I don’t think I want to do any extra work.

Chapter 066